Saturday, February 23, 2008

Alice in Wonderland Discussion

One of the things I find really interesting as I read through Alice in Wonderland is how it's nothing like what I remember as a child. As a matter of fact, I never read the book when I was young and the only thing I can remember from the movie is a disappearing cat and the queen of hearts being particularly cruel. I didn't like her and was actually afraid of the movie and did not enjoy it at all. As I go through and read the book, I can see why I would have been afraid of it as a young child. Alice is constantly encountering dangerous situations (such as growing too much or shrking too small) and I think that this probably scared me as a little because I was afraid that it would happen to me too. Reflecting on my different lenses of intake between now and then, I'm struggling to understand why any child these days would enjoy that book or movie. Which leads me even further to question what the difference is between children today and two hundred years ago that makes the difference in our creative intake. I think the perception of what's fun and entertaining has just changed so drastically (especially with the invention of new technologies) that children have different likes.

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