Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Poisonous Mushroom

On Friday I visited The Houston Holocaust Museum.  While there, the docent explained to us about literature in Germany during the Holocaust era.  For example, many of the Jewish books were burned and destroyed.  New books published by the "master" race were produced and distributed.  Specifically, one book that I learned about was "The Poisonous Mushroom."  This book was written for and distributed to German children.  
Here is a clip from the book: "The following tales tell the truth about the Jewish poison-mushroom.  They show the many shapes the Jew assumes  They show the depravity and baseness of the Jewish race.  They show the Jew for what he really is:
The Devil in human form"
What was interesting to me was the use of children's literature as propaganda.  I don't think we realize how much of an influence the books children read have on their lives and future stereotypes.

The following is a link to the image of the cover pages:

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